श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

यो मामजमनादिं च वेत्ति लोकमहेश्वरम्।

असम्मूढः स मर्त्येषु सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते।।10.3।।


English Commentary By Swami Sivananda

10.3 यः who, माम् Me, अजम् unborn, अनादिम् beginningless, च and, वेत्ति knows, लोकमहेश्वरम् the great Lord of the worlds, असम्मूढः undeluded, सः he, मर्त्येषु amongst mortals, सर्वपापैः from all sins, प्रमुच्यते is liberated. Commentary As the Supreme Being is the cause of all the worlds, He is beginningless. As He is the source of the gods and the great sages, there is no source for His existence. As He is beginningless He is unborn. He is the great Lord of all the worlds.Asammudhah Undeluded. He who has realised that his own innermost Self is not different from the Supreme Self is an undeluded person. Through the removal of ignorance the delusion which is of the form of mutual superimposition between the Self and the notSelf is also removed. He is freed from all sins done consciously or unconsciously in the three periods of time.The ignorant man removes his sins through the performance of expiatory acts (Prayaschitta) and enjoyment of the results. But he is not completely freed from all sins because he continues to do sinful actions through the force of evil Samskaras or impressions because he has not eradicated ignorance, the root cause of all sins, and its effect, egoism and superimposition or the feeling of I in the physical body. As he dies, swayed by the forces of evil Samskaras, he engages himself in doing sinful actions in the next birth. But the sage of Selfrealisation is completely liberated from,all sins because ignorance, the root cause of all sins, and its effect, viz., the mistaken notion that the body is the Self on account of mutual superimposition between the Self and the notSelf, is eradicated in toto along with the Samskaras and all the sins. The Samskaras are burnt completely like roasted seeds. Just as burnt seeds cannot germinate, so also the burnt Samskaras cannot generate further actions or future births.For the following reason also, I am the great Lord of the worlds.

English Translation of Abhinavgupta's Sanskrit Commentary By Dr. S. Sankaranarayan

10.3 See Comment under 10.5

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

10.3 Yah, he who; vetti, knows; mam, Me; ajam, the birthless; and anadim, the beginningless: Since I am the source of the gods and the great sages, and nothing else exists as My origin, therefore I am birthless and beginningless. Being without an origin is the cause of being birthless. He who knows Me who am thus birthless and beginningless, and loka-maheswaram, the great Lord of the worlds, the transcendental One devoid of ignorance and its effects; sah, he; the asammudhah, undeluded one; martyesu, among mortals, among human beings; pramucyate, becomes freed; sarva-papaih, from all sins-committed knowingly or unknowingly. 'For the following reason also I am the great Lord of the worlds:'

English Translation By Swami Gambirananda

10.3 He who knows Me-the birthless, the beginningless, and the great Lord of the worlds, he, the undeluded one among mortals, becomes freed from all sins.