श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

दैवी सम्पद्विमोक्षाय निबन्धायासुरी मता।

मा शुचः सम्पदं दैवीमभिजातोऽसि पाण्डव।।16.5।।

English Translation By Swami Gambirananda

16.5 The divine nature is the Liberation, the demoniacal is considered to be for inevitable bondage. Do not grieve, O son of Pandu! You are destined to have the divine nature.

English Translation By Swami Sivananda

16.5 The divine nature is deemed conducive to liberation, and the demoniacal to bondage. Grieve not, O Arjuna, thou art born with divine endowments.