श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

यान्ति देवव्रता देवान् पितृ़न्यान्ति पितृव्रताः।

भूतानि यान्ति भूतेज्या यान्ति मद्याजिनोऽपि माम्।।9.25।।


English Translation By Swami Adidevananda

9.25 Devotees of gods go to the gods. The manes-worshippers go to the manes. The worshippers of Bhutas go to the Bhutas. And those who worship Me come to Me.

English Translation By Swami Sivananda

9.25 The worshippers of the gods go to them; to the manes go the ancestor-worshippers; to the deities who preside over the elements go their worshippers; but My devotees come to Me.

English Translation By Swami Gambirananda

9.25 Votaries of the gods reach the gods; the votarites of the manes go to the manes; the worshippers of the Beings reach the Beings; and those who worship Me reach Me.

English Translation By By Dr. S. Sankaranarayan

9.25. The votaries of the gods attain the gods; the votaries of the manes attain the manes; performers of sacrifices for the goblins attain the goblins; also the performers of scrifices for Me attain Me.