श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

न कर्मणामनारम्भान्नैष्कर्म्यं पुरुषोऽश्नुते।

न च संन्यसनादेव सिद्धिं समधिगच्छति।।3.4।।


Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Shankaracharya

।।3.4।। न कर्मणां क्रियाणां यज्ञादीनाम् इह जन्मनि जन्मान्तरे वा अनुष्ठितानाम् उपात्तदुरितक्षयहेतुत्वेन सत्त्वशुद्धिकारणानां तत्कारणत्वेन च ज्ञानोत्पत्तिद्वारेण ज्ञाननिष्ठाहेतूनाम् ज्ञानमुत्पद्यते पुंसां क्षयात्पापस्य कर्मणः। यथादर्शतलप्रख्ये पश्यत्यात्मानमात्मनि (महा0 शान्ति0 204।8) इत्यादिस्मरणात् अनारम्भात् अननुष्ठानात् नैष्कर्म्यं निष्कर्मभावं कर्मशून्यतां ज्ञानयोगेन निष्ठां निष्क्रियात्मस्वरूपेणैव अवस्थानमिति यावत्। पुरुषः न अश्नुते न प्राप्नोतीत्यर्थः।।कर्मणामनारम्भान्नैष्कर्म्यं नाश्नुते इति वचनात् तद्विपर्ययात् तेषामारम्भात् नैष्कर्म्यमश्नुते इति गम्यते। कस्मात् पुनः कारणात् कर्मणामनारम्भान्नैष्कर्म्यं नाश्नुते इति उच्यते कर्मारम्भस्यैव नैष्कर्म्योपायत्वात्। न ह्युपायमन्तरेण उपेयप्राप्तिरस्ति। कर्मयोगोपायत्वं च नैष्कर्म्यलक्षणस्य ज्ञानयोगस्य श्रुतौ इह च प्रतिपादनात्। श्रुतौ तावत् प्रकृतस्य आत्मलोकस्य वेद्यस्य वेदनोपायत्वेन तमेतं वेदानुवचनेन ब्राह्मणा विविदिषन्ति यज्ञेन (बृह0 उ0 4।4।22) इत्यादिना कर्मयोगस्य ज्ञानयोगोपायत्वं प्रतिपादितम्। इहापि च संन्यासस्तु महाबाहो दुःखमाप्तुमयोगतः (गीता 5।6) योगिनः कर्म कुर्वन्ति सङ्गं त्यक्त्वात्मशुद्धये (गीता 5।11) यज्ञो दानं तपश्चैव पावनानि मनीषिणाम् (गीता 18।5) इत्यादि प्रतिपादयिष्यति।।ननु च अभयं सर्वभूतेभ्यो दत्त्वा नैष्कर्म्यमाचरेत् इत्यादौ कर्तव्यकर्मसंन्यासादपि नैष्कर्म्यप्राप्तिं दर्शयति। लोके च कर्मणामनारम्भान्नैष्कर्म्यमिति प्रसिद्धतरम्। अतश्च नैष्कर्म्यार्थिनः किं कर्मारम्भेण इति प्राप्तम्। अत आह न च संन्यसनादेवेति। नापि संन्यसनादेव केवलात् कर्मपरित्यागमात्रादेव ज्ञानरहितात् सिद्धिं नैष्कर्म्यलक्षणां ज्ञानयोगेन निष्ठां समधिगच्छति न प्राप्नोति।।कस्मात् पुनः कारणात् कर्मसंन्यासमात्रादेव केवलात् ज्ञानरहितात् सिद्धिं नैष्कर्म्यलक्षणां पुरुषो नाधिगच्छति इति हेत्वाकाङ्क्षायामाह

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

3.4 Purusah, a person; na does not; asnute, attain; naiskarmyam, freedom from action, the state of being free from action, steadfastness in the Yoga of Knowledge, i.e. the state of abiding in one's own Self which is free from action; anarambhat, by abstaining; karmanam, from actions-by the non-performance of actions such as sacrifices etc. which are or were performed in the present or past lives, which are the causes of the purification of the mind by way of attenuating the sins incurred, and which, by being the cause of that (purification), become the source of steadfastness in Knowledge through the generation of Knowledge, as stated in the Smrti (text), 'Knowledge arises in a person from the attenuation of sinful acts' [the whole verse is: Jnanam utpadyate pumsamksayatpapasya karmanah; Yathadarsatalaprakhye pasyatyatmanamatmani. 'Knowledge arises৷৷.acts. One sees the Self in oneself as does one (see oneself) in a cleaned surface of a mirror'.-Tr.] (Mbh. Sa. 204.8). This is the import. From the statement that one does not attain freedom from action by abstaining from actions, it may be concluded that one attains freedom from action by following the opposite course of performing actions. What, again, is the reason that one does not attain freedom from action by abstaining from actions? The answer is: Because performing actions is itself a means to freedom from action. Indeed, there can be no attainment of an end without (its) means. And Karma-yoga is the means to the Yoga of Knowledge characterized by freedom from action, because it has been so established in the Upanisads and here as well. As for the Upanisads, it has been shown in the texts, 'The Brahmanas seek to know It through the study of the Vedas, sacrifices, (charity, and austerity consisting in a dispassionate enjoyment of sense-objects)' (Br. 4.4.22), etc. whch deal with the means of realizing the goal of Knowledge under discussion, viz the Realm of the Self, that the Yoga of Karma is a means to the Yoga of Knowledge . And even here (in the Gita), the Lord will established that, 'But, O mighty-armed one, renunciation is hard to attain without (Karma-)yoga' (5.6); 'By giving up attachment, the yogis undertake work৷৷.for the purification of themselves' (5.11); 'Sacrifice, charity and austerity are verily the purifiers of the wise' (18.5), etc. Objection: Is it not that in such texts as-'Extending to all creatures immunity from fear' (Na. Par. 5.43), (one should take recourse to freedom from action)-, it is shown that attainment of freedom from action follows even from the renunciation of obligatory duties? And in the world, too, it is a better known fact that freedom from action follows abstention from actions. Hence also arises the estion, 'Why should one who desires freedom from action undertake action?' Reply: Therefore the Lord said: Na ca, nor; samadhi-gacchati, does he attain; siddhim, fulfilment steadfastness in the Yoga of Knowledge, characterized by freedom from action; sannyasanat eva, merely through renunciation-even from the mere renunciation of actions which is devoid of Knowledge. What, again, is the reason that by the mere giving up of actions which is not accompanied with Knowledge, a person does not attain fulfulment in the form of freedom from actions? To this ery seeking to know the cause, the Lord says: