श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

राजन्संस्मृत्य संस्मृत्य संवादमिममद्भुतम्।

केशवार्जुनयोः पुण्यं हृष्यामि च मुहुर्मुहुः।।18.76।।

English Commentary By Swami Sivananda

18.76 राजन् O King, संस्मृत्य having remembered, संस्मृत्य having remembered, संवादम् the dialogue, इमम् this, अद्भुतम् wonderful, केशवार्जुनयोः between Kesava and Arjuna, पुण्यम् holy, हृष्यामि (I) rejoice, च and, मुहुः again, मुहुः again.

Rajan King Dhritarashtra to whom the Gita is narrated by Sanjaya.Punyam Holy because the mere hearing of the dialogue destroys a multitude of sins and makes the hearer pious and Godfearing and turns his mind towards God.

Hindi Translation By Swami Ramsukhdas

।।18.76।।हे राजन् ! भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण और अर्जुनके इस पवित्र और अद्भुत संवादको याद कर-करके मैं बार-बार हर्षित हो रहा हूँ।

English Translation By Swami Adidevananda

18.76 O King, remembering again and again this wondrous and auspicious dialogue betweenn Sri Krsna and Arjuna, I rejoice again and again.

English Translation By Swami Gambirananda

18.76 And, O king, while repeatedly remembering this unie, sacred dialogue between Kesava and Arjuna, I rejoice every moment.

English Translation By Swami Sivananda

18.76 O King, remembering this wonderful and holy dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna, I rejoice again and again.

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

18.76 And, rajan, O king, Dhrtarastra; after having heard, samsmrtya samsmrtya, while repeatedly remembering; imam, this; adbhuttam, unie; samvadam, dialogue; kesava-arjunayoh, between Kesava and Arjuna; which is punyam, sacred, removes sin even when heard; hrsyami, I rejoice; muhuh, muhuh, every moment.

English Translation of Abhinavgupta's Sanskrit Commentary By Dr. S. Sankaranarayan

18.76 See Comment under 18.78

English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Adidevananda

18.76 Remembering this auspicious and wondrous dialogue between Sri Krsna and Arjuna, directly heard by me, I rejoice again and again.

English Translation By By Dr. S. Sankaranarayan

18.76. O king ! By recollecting and recollecting this wonderful pious dialogue of Kesava and Arjuna, I feel also delighted again and again.

English Translation by Shri Purohit Swami

18.76 O King! The more I think of that marvellous and holy discourse, the more I lose myself in joy.