श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

यान्ति देवव्रता देवान् पितृ़न्यान्ति पितृव्रताः।

भूतानि यान्ति भूतेज्या यान्ति मद्याजिनोऽपि माम्।।9.25।।


Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Ramanuja

।।9.25।।व्रतशब्दः संकल्पवाची? देवव्रताः दर्शपौर्णमासादिभिः कर्मभिः इन्द्रादीन् यजामः? इति इन्द्रादियजनसंकल्पाः? ये ते इन्द्रादिदेवान् यान्ति।ये च पितृयज्ञादिभिः पितृ़न् यजामः? इति पितृयजनसंकल्पाः? ते पितृ़न् यान्ति।ये च यक्षरक्षः पिशाचादीनि भूतानि यजामः? इति भूतयजनसंकल्पाः? ते भूतानि यान्ति।ये तु तैः एव यज्ञैः देवपितृभूतशरीरकं परमात्मानं भगवन्तं वासुदेवं यजामः इति मां यजन्ते ते मद्याजिनः माम् एव यान्ति।देवादिव्रता देवादीन् प्राप्य तैः सह परिमितं भोगं भुक्त्वा तेषां विनाशकाले तैः सह विनष्टा भवन्ति मद्याजिनः तु माम् अनादिनिधनं सर्वज्ञं सत्यसंकल्पं अनवधिकातिशयासंख्येयकल्याणगुणगणमहोदधिम् अनवधिकातिशयानन्दं प्राप्य न पुन निवर्तन्ते इत्यर्थः।मद्याजिनाम् अयम् अपि विशेषः अस्ति इति आह --

Hindi Translation By Swami Ramsukhdas

।।9.25।। (सकामभावसे) देवताओंका पूजन करनेवाले (शरीर छोड़नेपर) देवताओंको प्राप्त होते हैं। पितरोंका पूजन करनेवाले पितरोंको प्राप्त होते हैं। भूत-प्रेतोंका पूजन करनेवाले भूत-प्रेतोंको प्राप्त होते हैं। परन्तु मेरा पूजन करनेवाले मुझे ही प्राप्त होते हैं।

English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Adidevananda

9.25 The term 'Vrata' in the text denotes will, intention or motive. Those who intend to worship gods, like Indra and others with the resolution, 'Let us worship Indra and other gods by ceremonies like the new moon and full moon sacrifices' - such worshippers go to Indra and other gods. Those who intend worshipping manes, resolving 'Let us worship the manes through sacrifices,' - such worshippers go to the manes or others resolving - 'Let us worship the Yaksas, Raksasas,' Pisacas and other evil spirits' - they go to them. But those who, with the same rites of worship, worship Me with the intention, 'Let us worship Lord Vasudeva, the Supreme Self, whose body is constituted of gods, the manes and the evil spirits' - they are My worshippers and they reach Me only. Those who intend worshipping gods etc., attain gods etc. After sharing limited enjoyment with them, they are destroyed with them when the time comes for their destruction. But My worshippers attain Me, who has no beginning or end, who is omniscient, whose will is unfailingly effective, who is a great ocean of innumerable auspicious attributes of unlimited excellence and whose bliss too is of limitless excellence. They do not return to Samsara. Such is the meaning. Sri Krsna continues to say, 'There is also another distinguishing characteristic of My worshippers.'