श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

तस्माच्छास्त्रं प्रमाणं ते कार्याकार्यव्यवस्थितौ।

ज्ञात्वा शास्त्रविधानोक्तं कर्म कर्तुमिहार्हसि।।16.24।।

Hindi Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Harikrishnadas Goenka

।।16.24।।सुतरां कर्तव्य और अकर्तव्यकी व्यवस्थामें तेरे लिये शास्त्र ही प्रमाण है? अर्थात् ज्ञान प्राप्त करनेका साधन है। अतः शास्त्रविधानसे कही हुई बातको समझकर यानी आज्ञाका नाम विधान है। शास्त्रद्वारा जो ऐसी आज्ञा दी जाय कि यह कार्य कर? यह मत कर वह शास्त्रविधान है? उससे बताये,हुए स्वकर्मको जानकर तुझे इस कर्मक्षेत्रमें कार्य करना उचित है। इह शब्द जिस भूमिमें कर्मोंका अधिकार है उसका लक्ष्य करवानेवाला है।

English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Adidevananda

16.24 Hence, the Sastra is to be the only authority for you in determining what should be done and what should not be done, viz., in deciding what ought to be accepted and what ought not be accepted. You should know, i.e., understand, neither more nor less than what constitutes the truth and the work enjoined in the injunctions of the Sastras which the Highest Reality called the Supreme Person revealed in the Vedas. The Vedic injunctions are supplemented by the Dharma-sastras, the Itihasas and the Puranas. The acts enjoined by them are the means for reaching Him and for pleasing Him. You should perform them; you should accept them alone.

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

16.24 Tasmat, therefore; sastram, the scripure; is te, your; pramanam, authority, the means of knowledge; karya-akarya-vyavasthitau, as regards the determination of what is to be done and what is not to be done. Therefore, jnatva, after understanding; that which is your own karma, duty; sastra-vidhana-uktam, as presented by scriptural injunction-vidhana is the same as vidhi, precept, in the form, 'you should do', 'you should not do'; as presented by that; arhasi, you ought; kartum, to perform; it iha, here. 'Here' is used for pointing out the sphere in which one is intitled to perform his duties. F:gitadataR.K.GitaCHAPTER16.doc Page 1 of 1