श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

रजसि प्रलयं गत्वा कर्मसङ्गिषु जायते।

तथा प्रलीनस्तमसि मूढयोनिषु जायते।।14.15।।

Hindi Translation By Swami Tejomayananda

।।14.15।। रजोगुण के प्रवृद्ध काल में मृत्यु को प्राप्त होकर कर्मासक्ति वाले (मनुष्य) लोक में वह जन्म लेता है तथा तमोगुण के प्रवृद्धकाल में (मरण होने पर) मूढ़योनि में जन्म लेता है।।

English Translation By Swami Gambirananda

14.15 When one dies while rajas predominates, he is born among people attached to activity. Similarly, when one dies while tamas predominates, he takes birth among the stupid species.

English Translation By Swami Sivananda

14.15 Meeting death in Rajas, he is born among those who are attached to action; and dying in Tamas, he is born in the womb of the senseless.