श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

युञ्जन्नेवं सदाऽऽत्मानं योगी नियतमानसः।

शान्तिं निर्वाणपरमां मत्संस्थामधिगच्छति।।6.15।।


Hindi Translation By Swami Ramsukhdas

।।6.15।। नियत  मनवाला योगी मनको इस तरहसे सदा परमात्मामें लगाता हुआ मेरेमें सम्यक् स्थितिवाली जो निर्वाणपरमा शान्ति है, उसको प्राप्त हो जाता है।

Hindi Commentary By Swami Chinmayananda

।।6.15।। शरीर का आसन मन का भाव बुद्धि के द्वारा चिन्तन का वर्णन करने के पश्चात् अब भगवान् ध्यानविधि के अन्तिम चरण का वर्णन अपने प्रिय मित्र अर्जुन के लिए करते हैं। उक्त गुणों से सम्पन्न साधक अपने आन्तरिक और बाह्य जीवन में सामञ्जस्य स्थापित करके एक अलौकिक क्षमता को प्राप्त करता है। ऐसा संयमित मन का पुरुष सतत साधनारत हुआ परम पद को प्राप्त होता है।सदा का अर्थ यह नहीं समझना चाहिए कि साधक को अपने परिवार एवं समाज के प्रति कर्तव्यों की उपेक्षा करने की सीख यहाँ दी गयी है। ऐसा करना समाज के प्रति अपराध होगा। सदा का तात्पर्य प्रतिदिन के ध्यान के अभ्यास के समय से है। पूरी लगन से ध्यान करने पर साधक पूर्ण शांति का अनुभव करता है।यह शांति ही परमात्मा का स्वरूप है क्योंकि आत्मा में शरीर मन और बुद्धि की उत्तेजना चंचलता और विक्षेपों का सर्वथा अभाव है। आत्मा इन उपाधियों से परे है। भगवान् के इस कथन से कि योगी मुझमें स्थित परम शांति को प्राप्त होता है ऐसा प्रतीत हो सकता है कि यहाँ श्रीकृष्ण द्वैतवाद के मत का प्रतिपादन कर रहे हैं। परन्तु परम सत्य को गुण युक्त मानने का अर्थ होगा उसे एक द्रव्य पदार्थ समझना जो कि परिच्छिन्न और विकारी होगा। उसी प्रकार उस शांति की प्राप्ति एक विषय की प्राप्ति के समान होगी।भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण तत्त्व का ज्ञान कराने में भाषा की असमर्थता एवं सीमित योग्यता को जानते हैं इसलिए वे उक्त दोष का परिहार करने के लिए शांति को एक विशेषण देते हैं निर्वाण परमाम् अर्थात् मोक्ष स्वरूप शांति।तात्पर्य यह है कि जब योगी का मन विषयों से पूर्णतया निवृत्त होता है तब वह उस शांति का अनुभव करता है जो उसने बाह्य जगत् में कभी अनुभव नहीं की थी। शीघ्र ही वह पुरुष परम सत्य स्वरूप के साथ एक हो जाता है जिसकी सुगंध पूर्वानुभूत शांति होती है। ध्यान के अन्तिम चरण में योगी अपने शुद्ध स्वरूप का साक्षात् अनुभव तद्रूप होकर ही करता है। इसी अद्वैतानुभूति का वर्णन सम्पूर्ण गीता में किया गया है।अब योगी के लिए आहारादि के नियम का वर्णन करते हैं

English Commentary By Swami Sivananda

6.15 युञ्जन् balancing, एवम् thus, सदा always, आत्मानम् the self, योगी Yogi, नियतमानसः one with the controlled mind, शान्तिम् to peace, निर्वाणपरमाम् that which culminates in Nirvana (Moksha), मत्संस्थाम् abiding in Me, अधिगच्छति attains.

Thus in the manner prescribed in the previous verse.The Supreme Self is an embodiment of peace. It is an ocean of peace. When one attains to the supreme peace of the Eternal, by controlling the modifications of the mind and keeping it always balanced, he attains to liberation or perfection.

English Translation By Swami Adidevananda

6.15 Ever applying his mind in this way, the Yogin of controlled mind, attains the peace which is the summit of beatitude and which abides in Me.

English Translation By Swami Gambirananda

6.15 Concentrating the mind thus for ever, the yogi of controlled mind achieves the Peace which culminates in Liberation and which abides in Me.

English Translation By Swami Sivananda

6.15 Thus always keeping the mind balanced, the Yogi, with the mind controlled, attains to the peace abiding in Me, which culminates in liberation.

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

6.15 Yunjan, concentrating; atmanam, the mind; evam, thus, according to the methods shown above; sada, for ever; the yogi, niyata-manasah, of controlled mind; adhi-gacchati, achieves; santim, the Peace, the indifference to worldly attachments and possessions; nirvana-paramam, which culminates in Liberation; and mat-samstham, which abides in Me. Now are bieng mentioned the rules about the yogi's food etc.:

English Translation of Abhinavgupta's Sanskrit Commentary By Dr. S. Sankaranarayan

6.10-15 Yogi etc. upto adhigacchati. Self : the mind. Let him yoke it : let him make it single-pointed. Always : not for a limited period of time. If the conditions like remaining alone etc., are fulfilled, this [controlling of mind] is possible and not otherwise. On account of the firmness of seat, the time-nerve (or the body ?) remains firm and due to this, mind remains firm. He, by whom the mental activities i.e., those that are in the form of intention, and other activities of the sense-organs are subdued i.e., are brought under full control; [he is the person of the subdued mental and sensual activities]. Holding : i.e., with effort. If the nose-tip is looked at, [it is possible] not to look at [different] directions. Let him remain endowed with the state of having Me alone as supreme goal. This is the meaning [here]. He who yokes i.e., concentrates his self (mind) in this manner, there arises for him Peace in which the culmination - as far as the end-is the same as attaining Me.

English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Adidevananda

6.15 'Ever applying his mind on Me,' i.e., the Supreme Brahman, the Supreme Person and the holy and auspicious object of meditation, 'the Yogin of controlled mind,' i.e., one having his mind steady because of his being purified in mind through contact with Me, comes to the peace which abides in Me, which is of the highest degree of beatitude. That means he comes to the peace which is the supreme end of beatitude which abides in Me. For the person who commences Yoga of the self, Sri Krsna, after thus teaching how the mind should be fixed on the Lord, who is the holy and auspicious object of meditation, proceeds in order to effect the purification of the mind, to speak of the other side of Yoga:

English Translation By By Dr. S. Sankaranarayan

6.15. Yoking his self (mind) incessantly in this manner, My devotee, with mind not attached to anything else, realises peace which culminates in the nirvana and is in the form of ending in Me.

English Translation by Shri Purohit Swami

6.15 Thus keeping his mind always in communion with Me, and with his thoughts subdued, he shall attain that Peace which is mine and which will lead him to liberation at last.