श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः


साधुष्वपि च पापेषु समबुद्धिर्विशिष्यते।।6.9।।


Hindi Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Harikrishnadas Goenka

।।6.9।।तथा सुहृत् शब्दसे लेकर आधा श्लोक एक पद है। सुहृत् प्रत्युपकार न चाहकर उपकार करनेवाला मित्र प्रेमी अरि शत्रु उदासीन पक्षपातरहित मध्यस्थ जो परस्पर विरोध करनेवाले दोनोंका हितैषी हो द्वेष्य अपना अप्रिय और बन्धु अपना कुटुम्बी इन सबमें तथा शास्त्रानुसार चलनेवाले श्रेष्ठ पुरुषोंमें और निषिद्ध कर्म करनेवाले पापियोंमें भी जो समबुद्धिवाला है इन सबमें कौन कैसा क्या कर रहा है ऐसे विचारमें जिसकी बुद्धि नहीं लगती है वह श्रेष्ठ है। अर्थात् ऐसा योगी सब योगारूढ़ पुरुषोंमें उत्तम है। यहाँ विशिष्यते के स्थानमें विमुच्यते ( मुक्त हो जाता है ) ऐसा पाठान्तर भी है।

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

6.9 The first line of the verse beginning with 'benefactor,' etc. is a single compound word. Visisyate, he excels, i.e. he is the best among all those who are established in Yoga-(a different reading is vimucyate, he becomes free); sama-buddhih, who has sameness of view, i.e. whose mind is not engaged with the estion of who one is and what he does; with regard to a suhrd, benefactor-one who does some good without consideration of return; mitram, a friend, one who is affectionate; arih, a foe; udasinah, a neutral, who sides with nobody; madhyasthah, an arbiter, who is a well-wisher of two conflicting parties; dvesyah, the hateful, who is repulsive to oneself; bandhuh, a relative;- to all these as also sadhusu, with regard to good people, who follow the scriptures; api ca, and even; papesu, sinners, who perform prohibited actions-with regard to all of them. Therefore, to acire this excellent result-