श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

आब्रह्मभुवनाल्लोकाः पुनरावर्तिनोऽर्जुन।

मामुपेत्य तु कौन्तेय पुनर्जन्म न विद्यते।।8.16।।


Hindi Translation By Swami Ramsukhdas

।।8.16।। हे अर्जुन ! ब्रह्मलोकतक सभी लोक पुनरावर्ती है; परन्तु हे कौन्तेय ! मुझे प्राप्त होनेपर पुनर्जन्म नहीं होता।

English Translation By Swami Gambirananda

8.16 O Arjuna, all the worlds together with the world of Brahma are subject to return. But, O son of Kunti, there is no rirth after reaching Me.

English Translation By Swami Sivananda

8.16 (All) the worlds including the world of Brahma are subject to return again, O Arjuna; but he who reaches Me, O son of Kunti, has no rirth.