श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

बुद्धिर्ज्ञानमसंमोहः क्षमा सत्यं दमः शमः।

सुखं दुःखं भवोऽभावो भयं चाभयमेव च।।10.4।।


Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Ramanuja

।।10.4।।बुद्धिः मनसो निरूपणसामर्थ्यम्? ज्ञानं चिदचिद्वस्तुविशेषविषयः निश्चयः। असंमोहः पूर्वगृहीताद् रजतादेः विसजातीये शुक्तिकादिवस्तुनि सजातीयताबुद्धिनिवृत्तिः। क्षमा मनोविकारहेतौ सति अपि अविकृतमनस्त्वम्। सत्यं यथादृष्टविषयं भूतहितरूपं वचनम्? तद्नुगणा मनोवृत्तिः इह अभिप्रेता? मनोवृत्तिप्रकरणात्। दमः बाह्यकरणानाम् अनर्थविषयेभ्यो नियमनम्। शमः अन्तःकरणस्य तथा नियमनम्। सुखम् आत्मानुकूलानुभवः। दुःखं प्रतिकूलानुभवः। भवो भवनम् अनुकूलानुभवहेतुकं मनसो भवनम्। अभावः,प्रतिकूलानुभवहेतुको मनसः अवसादः। भयम् आगामिनो दुःखस्य हेतुदर्शनजं दुःखम्? तन्निवृत्तिः अभयम्। अहिंसा परदुःखाहेतुत्वम्। समता आत्मनि सुहृत्सु विपक्षेषु च अर्थानर्थयोः सममतित्वम्। तुष्टिः सर्वेषु आत्मसु दृष्टेषु तोषस्वभावत्वम्। तपः शीस्त्रीयो भोगसंकोचरूपः कायक्लेशः। दानं स्वकीयभोग्यानां परस्मै प्रतिपादनम्। यशो गुणवत्ताप्रथा? अयशः नैर्गुण्यप्रथा? कीर्त्यकीर्त्यनुगुणमनोवृत्तिविशेषौ तथा उक्तौ? मनोवृत्तिप्रकरणात्। तपोदाने च तथा। एवमाद्याः सर्वेषां भूतानां भावाः प्रवृत्तिनिवृत्तिहेतवो मनोवृत्तयो मत्त एव मत्संकल्पायत्ताः भवन्ति।सर्वस्य भूतजातस्य सृष्टिस्थित्योः प्रवर्तयितारः च मत्संकल्पायत्तप्रवृत्तय इत्याह --

English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Adidevananda

10.4 - 10.5 'Intelligence' is the power of the mind to determine. 'Knowledge' is the power of determining the difference between the two entities - non-sentient matter and the individual self. 'Non-delusion' is freedom from the delusion of perceiving as silver the mother-of-pearl etc., which are different from silver etc., previously observed. 'Forbearance', is a non-disturbed state of mind, even when there is a cause for getting disturbed. 'Truth' is speech about things as they are actually seen, and meant for the good of all beings. Here, the working of the mind in conformity with the ideal is intended, because the context is with reference to the working of the mind. 'Restraint' is the checking of the outgoing organs from their tendency to move towards their objects and generate evil. 'Self-control' is the restraint of the mind in the same manner. 'Pleasure' is the experience of what is agreeable to oneself. 'Pain' is th experience of what is adverse. 'Exaltation' is that state of elation of the mind caused by experiences which are agreeable to oneself. 'Depression' is the state of mind caused by disagreeable experiences. 'Fear' is the misery which springs from the perception of the cause of future sufferings. 'Fearlessness' is the absence of such feelings. 'Non-violence' is avoidance of being the cause of sorrow to others. 'Eability' is to become eable in mind whether good or bad befalls and to look upon with the same eanimity on what happens to oneself, friends and enemies. 'Cheerfulness' is the natural disposition to feel pleased with everything seen. 'Austerity' is the chastising of the body by denying to oneself pleasures, as enjoined by the scriptures. 'Beneficence' is giving to another what contributes to one's own enjoyment. 'Fame' is the renown of possessing good alities. 'Infamy' is notoriety of possessing bad alities. The workings of the mind which are in accordance with fame and infamy must be understood here, because it is the subject-matter of the context. Austerity and beneficence are to be understood in the same way. All these mental faculties - these functioning of the mind - resulting either in activity or inactivity, are from Me alone, i.e., are dependent on My volition. Sri Krsna declares: 'Thos agents who direct the creation, sustentation etc., of all beings, have their activity dependent on My Will.'