श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

समोऽहं सर्वभूतेषु न मे द्वेष्योऽस्ति न प्रियः।

ये भजन्ति तु मां भक्त्या मयि ते तेषु चाप्यहम्।।9.29।।


Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Ramanuja

।।9.29।।देवतिर्यङ्मनुष्यस्थावरात्मना स्थितेषु जातितः च आकारतः स्वभावतो ज्ञानतः च अत्यन्तोत्कृष्टापकृष्टरूपेण वर्तमानेषु सर्वेषु भूतेषु समाश्रयणीयत्वेन समः अहम् अयं जात्याकारस्वभावज्ञानादिभिः निकृष्ट इति समाश्रयणे न मे द्वेष्यः अस्ति उद्वेजनीयतया न त्याज्यः अस्ति तथा समाश्रितत्वातिरेकेण जात्यादिभिः अत्यन्तोत्कृष्टः अयम् इति तद्युक्ततया समाश्रयणे कश्चित् प्रियः अस्ति न संग्राह्यः अस्ति।अपि तु अत्यर्थमत्प्रियत्वेन मद्भजनेन विना आत्मधारणालाभात् मद्भजनैकप्रयोजना ये मां भजन्ते ते जात्यादिभिः उत्कृष्टाः अपकृष्टा वा मत्समानगुणवद्यथासुखं मयि एव वर्तन्ते अहम् अपि तेषु मदुत्कृष्टेषु इव वर्ते।

English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Adidevananda

9.29 Being a refuge for all, I am the same to all creation, be they gods, animals, men or immovables, who exist differentiated from the highest to the lowest according to their birth, form, nature and knowledge. With regard to those seeking refuge, none is hateful because of inferiority in status by birth, form, nature, knowledge etc. No one is discarded as an object of odium. Likewise, it is not that one who has resorted to Me is dear to Me on account of any consideration like birth, status etc. That he has taken refuge in Me is the only consideration. The meaning is no one is accepted as a refuge for reasons like birth. But those who worship Me as their sole objective I like, because I am exceedingly dear to them, and because they find it impossible to sustain themselves without My worship. So they abide in Me, irrespective of whether they are exalted or humble by birth etc. They abide in Me, as if they possess alities eal to Mine. I also abide in them, as if they are My superiors. Moreover: