श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

इति ते ज्ञानमाख्यातं गुह्याद्गुह्यतरं मया।

विमृश्यैतदशेषेण यथेच्छसि तथा कुरु।।18.63।।

Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Shankaracharya

।।18.63।। --,इति एतत् ते तुभ्यं ज्ञानम् आख्यातं कथितं गुह्यात् गोप्यात् गुह्यतरम् अतिशयेन गुह्यं रहस्यम् इत्यर्थः? मया सर्वज्ञेन ईश्वरेण। विमृश्य विमर्शनम् आलोचनं कृत्वा एतत् यथोक्तं शास्त्रम् अशेषेण समस्तं यथोक्तं च अर्थजातं यथा इच्छसि तथा कुरु।।भूयोऽपि मया उच्यमानं श्रृणु --,

English Translation By Swami Gambirananda

18.63 To you has been imparted by Me this knowledge [Derived in the instrumental sense of 'means of knowledge'; i.e. the scripture Gita.] which is moe secret than any secret. Pondering over this as a whole, do as you like.

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

18.63 Te, to you; akhyatam, has been imparted, spoken of; maya, by Me who am the omniscient God; iti, this; jnanam, knowledge; which is guhyataram, more secret; guhyat, than any secret-i.e. it is extremely profound, mystical. Vimrsya, pondering over, contemplating on; etat, this, the Scripture as imparted; asesena, as a whole, and also on all the subjects dealt with; kuru, do; yatha icchasi tatha, as you like. 'Once again, hear what is beng said by Me:'