श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

श्री भगवानुवाच

बहूनि मे व्यतीतानि जन्मानि तव चार्जुन।

तान्यहं वेद सर्वाणि न त्वं वेत्थ परन्तप।।4.5।।


English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

4.5 O Arjuna, bahuni, many; janmani, lives; me, of Mine; vyatitani, have passed; tava ca, and so have yours. Aham, I; veda know; tani, them; sarvani, all; (but) tvam, you; va vetta, know not, due to your power of understanding being obstructed by righteousness, unrighteousness, etc. However, parantapa, O scorcher of foes; aham, I know, possessing as I do unobstructed power of knowledge, because by nature I am enternal, pure, enlightened and free. 'In that case, how, in spite of the absence of righteousness and unrighteousness, can there be any birth for You who are the eternal God?' That is beng answered: