श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

मन्मना भव मद्भक्तो मद्याजी मां नमस्कुरु।

मामेवैष्यसि सत्यं ते प्रतिजाने प्रियोऽसि मे।।18.65।।

Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Madhusudan Saraswati

।।18.65।।तदेवाह -- मन्मना भवेति। मयि भगवति वासुदेवे मनो यस्य स मन्मना भव सदा मां चिन्तय। द्वेषेण कंसशिशुपालादिरपि तथात आह। मद्भक्तः प्रेम्णा मय्यनुरक्तो मद्विषयेणानुरागेण सदा मद्विषयं मनः कुर्विति विधीयते। त्वद्विषयोऽनुराग एव केन स्यादित्यत आह। मद्याजी मां यष्टुं पूजयितुं शीलं यस्य स सदा मत्पूजापरो भव। पूजोपकरणाभावे तु मां नमस्कुरु कायेन वाचा मनसा च प्रह्वीभवनेनाराधय। इदं चार्चनवन्दनाद्यन्येषामपि भागवतधर्माणामुपलक्षणम्। तथाचोक्तं श्रीभागवतेश्रवणं कीर्तनं विष्णोः स्मरणं पादसेवनम्। अर्चनं वन्दनं दास्यं सख्यमात्मनिवेदनम्। इति पुंसार्पिता विष्णौ भक्तिश्चेन्नवलक्षणा। क्रियते भगवत्यद्वा तन्मन्येऽधीतमुत्तमम्।। इति। एतच्च भक्तिरसायने व्याख्यातं विस्तरेण। एवं सदा भागवतधर्मानुष्ठानेन मय्यनुरागोत्पत्त्या मन्मनाः सन् मां भगवन्तं वासुदेवमेव एष्यसि प्राप्स्यसि वेदान्तवाक्यजनितेन मद्बोधेन। त्वंचात्र संशयं माकार्षीः। सत्यं यथार्थं तुभ्यं प्रतिजाने सत्यामेव प्रतिज्ञां करोम्यस्मिन्नर्थे। यतः प्रियोऽसि मे। प्रियस्य प्रतारणा नोचितैवेति भावः। सत्यं ते प्रारब्धकर्मणोऽन्ते सति मामेष्यसीति वा। अनुवादापेक्षया विश्वासदार्ढ्यप्रयोजनं प्रथमं व्याख्यातमेव श्रेयः। अनेन यत्पूर्वमुक्तंयतः प्रवृत्तिर्भूतानां येन सर्वमिदं ततम्। स्वकर्मणा तमभ्यर्च्य सिद्धिं विन्दति मानवः। इति तद्व्याख्यातं मच्छब्देनेश्वरत्वप्रकटनात्।

Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Sridhara Swami

।।18.65।।तदेवाह -- मन्मना इति। मन्मना भव? मच्चित्तो भव? ममैव भक्तो भव? मद्याजी मद्यजनशीलो भव? मामेव नमस्कुरु एवं वर्तमानस्त्वं मत्प्रसादाल्लब्धज्ञानेन मामेवैष्यसि प्राप्स्यसि अत्र च संशयं माकार्षीः। त्वं हि मे प्रियोऽसि अतः सत्यं यथाभवत्येवं तुभ्यमहं प्रतिजाने प्रतिज्ञां करोमि।

Hindi Translation By Swami Ramsukhdas

।।18.65।।तू मेरा भक्त हो जा, मेरेमें मनवाला हो जा, मेरा पूजन करनेवाला हो जा और मेरेको नमस्कार कर। ऐसा करनेसे तू मेरेको ही प्राप्त हो जायगा -- यह मैं तेरे सामने सत्य प्रतिज्ञा करता हूँ; क्योंकि तू मेरा अत्यन्त प्रिय है।

Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Neelkanth

।।18.65।।तदेव गुह्यतमं हितमाह -- मन्मना इति। अहं प्रत्यगात्मानन्दैकघनः परिपूर्णस्तदाकारं मनो यस्य स मन्मनाः भव। एतेन ब्राह्मात्माभेदोऽपि साक्षात्करणीय इत्युत्तरषट्कार्थ उक्तः। कथमेवंविधा ज्ञाननिष्ठा लभ्यतेऽत आह -- मद्भक्तो भव। एतेन भगवदुपासनात्मको मध्यमषट्कार्थ उक्तः। कथमल्पपुण्यस्य भक्तिरुदेष्यतीत्यत आह -- मद्याजी भगवदर्थकर्मकरणशीलो भव। एतेन कर्मप्रधान आद्यषट्कार्थो विवृतः। ननु यस्य भगवद्याजित्वं न संभवति दारिर्द्यात्स्त्र्याद्यभावाद्वा तस्य भगवद्भक्तिदौर्लभ्याद्ब्रह्माकारा चेतोवृत्तिदुर्लभतरेत्याशङ्क्याह -- मां नमस्कुरु प्राकृतभक्त्यैव प्रतिमादौ भगवन्तं सर्वोपचारसमर्पणेन नमस्कारादिना सम्यगाराधयेत्यर्थः। तथाचाश्वलायनो नमस्कारस्यैव यज्ञत्वमुदाहरतियो नमसा स्वध्वरः इति यज्ञो वै नम इति हि ब्राह्मणं भवति इति च। एवमुक्तस्य सोपानत्रयारूढस्य फलमाह -- मामिति। मामेव तत्पदार्थं सर्वजगत्कारणं सर्वेश्वरं सर्वशक्तिमखण्डैकरसं त्वं एष्यसि प्राप्स्यसि बिम्ब इव प्रतिबिम्बं? घटाकाश इव महाकाशम्। अस्मिन्नर्थे शपथं करोति। ते तव पुरः सत्यं अबाधितार्थभूतं प्रतिजाने प्रतिज्ञां करोमि मामेवैष्यसीति। प्रियोऽसि मे यतस्त्वं मे मम प्रियोऽसि अतः प्रतारणानर्हे त्वयि सत्यमेवाहं ब्रवीमीत्यर्थः।

English Translation of Abhinavgupta's Sanskrit Commentary By Dr. S. Sankaranarayan

18.64-65 Sarva - etc. Manmanah etc, By the portion 'Be with your mind fixed in Me' etc., it is determined that in the scriptures the importance completely lies only in dedicating [everything] to the Brahman; and it is declared that this present scripture (the Holy Bhagavatgita) is of use [only] in the case of one who cultivates [the attitude of] dedication to the Brahman. Also He says -

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

18.65 Bhava manmana, have your mind fixed on Me; be mad-bhaktah, My devotee; be a madyaji,sacrificer to Me, be engaged in sacrifices to Me; namaskuru, bow down; mam, to Me. Offer ever your salutations to Me alone. Continuing thus in them, by surrendering all ends, means and needs to Vasudeva only, esyasi, you will come; mam, to Me; eva, alone. (This) satyam, truth: do I pratijane, promise; te, to you, i.e. in this matter I make this true promise. For, asi, you are; priyah, dear; me, to Me. The idea conveyed by the passage is: Having thus understood that the Lord is true in His pormise, and knowing for certain that liberation is the unfailing result of devotion to the Lord, one should have dedication to God as his only supreme goal. Having summed up surrender to God as the highest secret of steadiness in Karma-yoga, there-after, with the idea that complete realization, which is the fruit of adherence to Karma-yoga and which has been enjoined in all the Upanisads, has to be spoken about, the Lord says:

English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Adidevananda

18.65 What is enjoined in Vedanta texts such as 'I know the Great Person of the radiance of the sun, who is beyond this Prakrti. Knowing Him thus, one becomes here immortal; there is no path for immortality' (Sve. U., 3.8); what is designated by words such as knowledge (Vedanta), meditation (Dhyana) and worship (Upasana); what is of the form of direct perception (Darsana) having the character of continuous succession of memory of a surpassingly loving nature to the worshipped - it is this that is enjoined herein by the words 'Focus your mind on Me,' 'Be My devotee.' It means, be one to whom I am incomparably dear. Since I am the object of superabundant love, meditate on Me, i.e., practise the succession of memory of unsurpassed love of Me. Such is the meaning. Be My worshipper (yaji). Here also the expression, 'Be My devotee' is applicable. Yajna is worship. Worship Me as one exceedingly dear to you. Worship (Aradhana) is complete subservience to the Lord. Prostrate before Me. Prostration means bowing down. The meaning is: Bow down humbly before Me with great love. Renouncing thus all ego-centredness, you shall come to Me. I make this solemn promise to you. Do not take it as a mere flattery. For you are dear to Me. It has been already stated, 'For I am inexpressibly dear to the man of knowledge and dear is he to Me' (7.17). He in whom there is surpassing love for Me, I hold him also as surpassingly dear to Me. Conseently, not being able to bear separation from him, I myself will enable him to attain Me. It is this truth alone that has been solemnly declared to you in the expression that 'you shall come to Me alone.'