श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

भवाप्ययौ हि भूतानां श्रुतौ विस्तरशो मया।

त्वत्तः कमलपत्राक्ष माहात्म्यमपि चाव्ययम्।।11.2।।


Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Ramanuja

।।11.2।।तथा सप्तमप्रभृति दशमपर्यन्तं त्वद्व्यतिरिक्तानां सर्वेषां भूतानां त्वत्तः परमात्मानो भवाप्ययौ उत्पत्तिप्रलयौ विस्तरशः मया श्रुतौ। हे कमलपत्राक्ष तव अव्ययं नित्यं सर्वचेतनाचेतनवस्तुशेषित्वं ज्ञानबलादिकल्याणगुणगणैः तव एव परतरत्वं सर्वाधारत्वं चिन्तितनिमिषितादिसर्वप्रवृत्तिषु तव एव प्रवर्तयितृत्वम्? इत्यादि अपरिमितं माहात्म्यं च श्रुतम् हि शब्दो वक्ष्यमाणदिदृक्षाद्योतनार्थः।

Hindi Translation By Swami Ramsukhdas

।।11.2।।  हे कमलनयन ! सम्पूर्ण प्राणियोंकी उत्पत्ति और प्रलय मैंने विस्तारपूर्वक आपसे ही सुना है और आपका अविनाशी माहात्म्य भी सुना है।

English Translation By Swami Adidevananda

11.2 The origination and dissolution of all beings, O Krsna, (as issuing from You) have been heard verily by me at length as also Your immutable greatness.

English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Adidevananda

11.2 Likewise, beginning from the seventh, and ending with the tenth discourse, the origination and dissolution of all beings other than You, as issuing from You, the Supreme Self, have been heard at length by me. Your unlimited greatness, immutable and eternal, Your principalship (Sesitva) over all sentient and non-sentient things, Your supreme greatness consisting of the host of auspicious attributes like knowledge, strength etc., Your being the supporter of all things and actuator of all activities like thinking, blinking etc., have also been heard. Here the term, 'hi' (verily) expresses the desire to have the vision which is going to be revealed.

English Translation By Swami Gambirananda

11.2 O you with eyes like lotus leaves, the origin and dissolution of beings have been heard by me in detail from You. ['From You have been heard the origin and dissolution of beings in You.'] And (Your) undecaying glory, too, (has been heard).