श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

मोघाशा मोघकर्माणो मोघज्ञाना विचेतसः।

राक्षसीमासुरीं चैव प्रकृतिं मोहिनीं श्रिताः।।9.12।।


Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Ramanuja

।।9.12।।मम मनुष्यत्वे परमकारुण्यादिपरत्वतिरोधानकरीं राक्षसीम् आसुरीं च मोहिनीं प्रकृतिम् आश्रिताः? मोघाशाः मोघवाञ्छिता निष्फलवाञ्छिताः? मोघकर्माणः मोघारम्भाः? मोघज्ञानाः सर्वेषु मदीयेषु चराचरेषु अर्थेषु मयि च विपरीतज्ञानतया निष्फलज्ञानाः विचेतसः तथा सर्वत्र विगतयाथात्म्यज्ञानाः? मां सर्वेश्वरम् इतरसमं मत्वा मयि यत् कर्तुम् इच्छन्ति? यद् उद्दिश्य आरम्भान् कुर्वते? तत् सर्वं मोघं भवति इत्यर्थः।

Hindi Translation By Swami Ramsukhdas

।।9.12।। जिनकी सब आशाएँ व्यर्थ होती हैं, सब शुभ-कर्म व्यर्थ होते हैं और सब ज्ञान व्यर्थ होते हैं अर्थात् जिनकी आशाएँ, कर्म और ज्ञान सत्-फल देनेवाले नहीं होते, ऐसे अविवेकी मनुष्य आसुरी, राक्षसी और मोहिनी फकृतिका आश्रय लेते हैं।

English Translation By Swami Adidevananda

9.12 Senseless men entertain a nature which is deluding and akin to that of Raksasas (fiends) and Asuras (monsters). Their hopes are vain, acts are vain and knowledge is vain.

English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Adidevananda

9.12 Men yielding to the deluding nature characteristics of Asuras and Raksas and not aware of My higher nature like compassion etc. When I am in a human form, are possessed of vain hopes, i.e, their hopes remain fruitless, and their knowledge also is vain, i.e., is fruitless. They are so because of their erroneous understanding which fails to know that all things, mobile and immobile, belong to Me. They are ignorant on account of their being devoid of knowledge of truth everywhere. Whatever they do regarding Me, the Lord of all, is done with an attitude that I am an ordinary mortal. So their efforts go in vain. All this springs from their partaking of the nature of Raksasas and Asuras.

English Translation By Swami Gambirananda

9.12 Of vain hopes, of vain actions, of vain knowledge, and senseless, they become verily possessed of the deceptive disposition of fiends and demons.