श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

साधिभूताधिदैवं मां साधियज्ञं च ये विदुः।

प्रयाणकालेऽपि च मां ते विदुर्युक्तचेतसः।।7.30।।


English Commentary By Swami Sivananda

7.30 साधिभूताधिदैवम् with the Adhibhuta and the Adhidaiva together, माम् Me, साधियज्ञम् with the Adhiyajna, च and, ये who, विदुः know, प्रयाणकाले at the time of death, अपि even, च and, माम् Me, ते they, विदुः know, युक्तचेतसः steadfast in mind.

They who are steadfast in mind, who have taken refuge in Me, who know Me as the knowledge of elements in the physical plane, as the knowledge of the gods in the celestial or mental plane, as the knowledge of the sacrifice in the realm of sacrifice, are not affected by death. They do not lose their memory. They continue to keep up the consciousness of Me even at the time of their departure from this world. Those who worship Me along with these three know Me even at the time of death. (Cf.VIII.25)(This chapter is known by the names Vijnana Yoga and Jnana Yoga also.)Thus in the Upanishads of the glorious Bhagavad Gita, the Science of the Eternal, the scripture of Yoga, the dialogue between Sri Krishna and Arjuna, ends the seventh discourse entitledThe Yoga of Wisdom and Realisation. ,

Hindi Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Harikrishnadas Goenka

।।7.30।।( इसी प्रकार ) जो मनुष्य मुझ परमेश्वरको साधिभूताधिदैव अर्थात् अधिभूत और अधिदैवके सहित जानते हैं एवं साधियज्ञ अर्थात् अधियज्ञके सहित भी जानते हैं वे निरुद्धचित्त योगी लोग मरणकालमें भी मुझे यथावत् जानते हैं।

English Translation By Swami Adidevananda

7.30 And those who know Me with the Adhibhuta, Adhidaiva and the Adhiyajna, they too, with their minds fixed in meditation, know Me even at the hour of death.

English Translation By Swami Sivananda

7.30 Those who know Me with the Adhibhuta (pertaining to the elements), Adhidaiva (pertaining to the gods) and the Adhiyajna (pertaining to the sacrifice) know Me even at the time of death, steadfast in mind.

English Translation By Swami Gambirananda

7.30 Those who know me as existing in the physical and the divine planes, and also in the context of the sacrifice, they of concentrated minds know Me even at the time of death.