श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

तस्मादज्ञानसंभूतं हृत्स्थं ज्ञानासिनाऽऽत्मनः।

छित्त्वैनं संशयं योगमातिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ भारत।।4.42।।


Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Shankaracharya

।।4.42) तस्मात् पापिष्ठम् अज्ञानसंभूतम् अज्ञानात् अविवेकात् जातं हृत्स्थं हृदि बुद्धौ स्थितं ज्ञानासिना शोकमोहादिदोषहरं सम्यग्दर्शनं ज्ञानं तदेव असिः खङ्गः तेन ज्ञानासिना आत्मनः स्वस्य आत्मविषयत्वात् संशयस्य। न हि परस्य संशयः परेण च्छेत्तव्यतां प्राप्तः येन स्वस्येति विशेष्येत। अतः आत्मविषयोऽपि स्वस्यैव भवति। छित्त्वा एनं संशयं स्वविनाशहेतुभूतम् योगं सम्यग्दर्शनोपायं कर्मानुष्ठानम् आतिष्ठ कुर्वित्यर्थः। उत्तिष्ठ च इदानीं युद्धाय भारत इति।।इति श्रीमत्परमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्यस्य श्रोगोविन्दभगवत्पूज्यपादशिष्यस्यश्रीमच्छंकरभगवतः कृतौ श्रीमद्भगवद्गीताभाष्ये


Hindi Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Harikrishnadas Goenka

।।4.42।।क्योंकि कर्मयोगका अनुष्ठान करनेसे अन्तःकरणकी अशुद्धिका क्षय हो जानेपर उत्पन्न होनेवाले आत्मज्ञानसे जिसका संशय नष्ट हो गया है ऐसा पुरुष तो ज्ञानाग्निद्वारा उसके कर्म दग्ध हो जानेके कारण कर्मोंसे नहीं बँधता तथा ज्ञानयोग और कर्मयोगके अनुष्ठानमें संशय रखनेवाला नष्ट हो जाता है इसलिये अज्ञान यानी अविवेकसे उत्पन्न और अन्तःकरणमें रहनेवाले ( अपने नाशकके हेतुभूत ) इस अत्यन्तपापी अपने संशयको ज्ञानखड्गद्वारा अर्थात् शोकमोह आदि दोनोंका नाश करनेवाला यथार्थ दर्शरूप जो ज्ञान है वही खड्ग है उस स्वरूपज्ञानरूप खड्गद्वारा ( छेदन करके कर्मयोगमें स्थित हो )। यहाँ संशय आत्मविषयक है इसलिये ( उसके साथ आत्मनः विशेषण दिया गया है। ) क्योंकि एकका संशय दूसरेके द्वारा छेदन करनेकी शङ्का यहाँ प्राप्त नहीं होती जिससे कि ( ऐसी शङ्काको दूर करनेके उद्देश्यसे ) आत्मनः विशेषण दिया जावे अतः ( यही समझना चाहिये कि ) आत्मविषयक होनेसे भी अपना कहा जा सकता है। ( सुतरां संशयको अपना बतलाना असंगत नहीं है। ) अतः अपने नाशके कारणरूप इस संशयको ( उपर्युक्त प्रकारसे ) काटकर पूर्ण ज्ञानकी प्राप्तिके उपायरूप कर्मयोगमें स्थित हो और हे भारत अब युद्धके लिये खड़ा हो जा।

English Translation By Swami Adidevananda

4.42 Therefore, sunder, with the sword of knowledge, this doubt present in your heart resulting from ignorance concerning the self. Practise this Yoga, O Arjuna, and rise up.

English Translation By Swami Sivananda

4.42 Therefore with the sword of the knowledge (of the Self) cut asunder the doubt of the self born of ignorance, residing in thy heart, and take refuge in Yoga. Arise, O Arjuna.

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

4.42 Tasmat, therefore, O scion of the Bharata dynasty; atistha, take recourse to, i.e. undertake; yogam, yoga -performance of actions, which is a means to full Illumination; and now, uttistha, rise up for battle; chittva, cutting asunder; jnanasina, with the sword of Knowledge-Knowledge is full Illumination, which is a destroyer of such defects as sorrows, delusion, etc.; that itself is the sword; with that sword of Knowledge-;enam, this; samsayam, doubt; atmanah, of your own, which is a source of one's own ruin and is most sinful; hrtstham, in the heart, residing in the intellect; ajnana-sambhutam, arising from ignorance, born of non-discrimination. The word atmanah is used because doubt concerns oneself. Indeed, another's doubt cannot be removed by someone else. Hence the word 'own' is used. So, although the doubt is with regard to the Self, it is really one's own.

English Translation By Swami Gambirananda

4.42 Therefore, O scion of the Bharata dyasty, take recourse to yoga and rise up, cutting asunder with the sword of Knowledge this doubt of your own in the heart, arising from ignorance.

English Translation By By Dr. S. Sankaranarayan

4.42. Therefore, thus cutting off, by means of knowledge-sword, the doubt that has sprung from ignornace and exists in [your] heart, practise the Yoga ! Stand up ! O descendant of Bharata !

English Translation by Shri Purohit Swami

4.42 Therefore, cleaving asunder with the sword of wisdom the doubts of the heart, which thine own ignorance has engendered, follow the Path of Wisdom and arise!"