श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

यद्यद्विभूतिमत्सत्त्वं श्रीमदूर्जितमेव वा।

तत्तदेवावगच्छ त्वं मम तेजोंऽशसंभवम्।।10.41।।


Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Ramanuja

।।10.41।।यद् यद् विभूतिमद् ईशितव्यसंपन्नं भूतजातं श्रीमत् कान्तिमद् धनधान्यसमृद्धं वा ऊर्जितं कल्याणारम्भेषु उद्युक्तं तत् तद् मम तेजोंऽशसंभवम् इति अवगच्छ।तेजः पराभिभवनसामर्थ्यम्? मम अचिन्त्यशक्तेः नियमनशक्त्या एकदेशसंभवम् इत्यर्थः।

English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Adidevananda

10.41 Whatever host of beings has 'power', namely the capacity and means to rule over; has 'splendour', has beauty or prosperity in wealth, grains etc., has 'energy,' namely, is engaged in auspicious undertakings - know such manifestations as coming fro a fragment of My 'power'. Power (Tejas) is the capacity to overcome opposition. The meaning is, know them as arising from a fraction of My inconceivable power of subduing.