श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

मया ततमिदं सर्वं जगदव्यक्तमूर्तिना।

मत्स्थानि सर्वभूतानि न चाहं तेष्ववस्थितः।।9.4।।


Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Ramanuja

।।9.4।।इदं चेतनाचेतनात्मकं कृत्स्नं जगद् अव्यक्तमूर्तिना अप्रकाशितस्वरूपेण मया अन्तर्यामिणा ततम्। अस्य जगतो धारणार्थं नियमनार्थम् च शेषित्वेन व्याप्तम् इत्यर्थः। यथा अन्तर्यामिब्राह्मणेयः पृथिव्यां तिष्ठन् ৷৷. यं पृथिवी न वेद (बृ उ0 3।7।3)यं आत्मनि तिष्ठन् ৷৷. यमात्मा न वेद (श0 प0 ब्रा0 14।6।5।5।30) इति चेतनाचेतनवस्तुजातैः अदृष्टेन अन्तर्यामिणा तत्र तत्र व्याप्तिः उक्ता।

ततो मत्स्थानि सर्वभूतानि सर्वाणि भूतानि मयि अन्तर्यामिणि स्थितानि? तत्र एव ब्राह्मणेयस्य पृथिवी शरीरं यः पृथिवीमन्तरो यमयति (बृ0 उ0 3।7।3)यस्यात्मा शरीरं य आत्मानमन्तरो यमयति (श0 प0 ब्रा0 14।6।6।5।30) इति शरीरत्वेन नियाम्यत्वप्रतिपादनात्। तदायत्ते स्थितिनियमने प्रतिपादिते शेषित्वं च? न च अहं तेषु अवस्थित्रः अहं तु न तदायत्तस्थितिः? मत्स्थितौ तैः न कश्चित् उपकार इत्यर्थः।

Hindi Translation By Swami Ramsukhdas

।।9.4 -- 9.5।। यह सब संसार मेरे निराकार स्वरूपसे व्याप्त है। सम्पूर्ण प्राणी मेरेमें स्थित हैं; परन्तु मैं उनमें स्थित नहीं हूँ तथा वे प्राणी भी मुझ में स्थित नहीं हैं -- मेरे इस ईश्वर-सम्बन्धी योग-(सामर्थ्य-) को देख ! सम्पूर्ण प्राणियोंको उत्पन्न करनेवाला और उनका धारण, भरण-पोषण करनेवाला मेरा स्वरूप उन प्राणियोंमें स्थित नहीं है।

English Translation By Swami Adidevananda

9.4 This entire universe is pervaded by Me, in an unmanifest form. All beings abide in Me, but I do not abide in them.

English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Adidevananda

9.4 This 'entire universe,' composed to sentient and non-sentient beings, is pervaded by Me, the inner controller, whose 'form is not manifest,' namely, whose essential nature is unmanifest. The meaning is that all this is pervaded by Me, the Principal (Sesi), so that I may sustain and rule this universe. This, the pervasion of all by the inner controller, who is invisible to the entire group of sentient and non-sentient beings, is taught in the following passage of the Antaryami-brahmana: 'He who dwells in the earth ৷৷. whom the earth 'does not know' (Br. U., 3.7.3) and 'He who dwells in the self ৷৷. whom the self does not know etc.,' (Br. U. Madh., 3.7.22). Therefore 'all beings abide in Me'; all beings rest in Me who am their inner controller. In the same Brahmana it is taught that their existence and control are dependent on Him, as they are subject to His control and as they constitute His body: 'He whose body is the earth ৷৷. who controls the earth from within' (Br. U., 3.7.3) and 'He whose body is the self ৷৷. He who controls the self from within' (Br. U. Madh., 3.7.22). So also His primacy over everything is taught. 'I am not in them,' namely, I do not 'depend' on them for My existence. There is no help derived from them for My existence.

English Translation By Swami Gambirananda

9.4 This whole world is prevaded by Me in My unmanifest form. All beings exist in Me, but I am not contained in them!