श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

सत्कारमानपूजार्थं तपो दम्भेन चैव यत्।

क्रियते तदिह प्रोक्तं राजसं चलमध्रुवम्।।17.18।।

Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Shankaracharya

।।17.18।। --,सत्कारः साधुकारः साधुः अयं तपस्वी ब्राह्मणः इत्येवमर्थम्? मानो माननं प्रत्युत्थानाभिवादनादिः तदर्थम्? पूजा पादप्रक्षालनार्चनाशयितृत्वादिः तदर्थं च तपः सत्कारमानपूजार्थम्? दम्भेन चैव यत् क्रियते तपः तत् इह प्रोक्तं कथितं राजसं चलं कादाचित्कफलत्वेन अध्रुवम्।।

Hindi Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Harikrishnadas Goenka

।।17.18।।जो तप सत्कार? मान और पूजाके लिये किया जाता है -- यह बड़ा श्रेष्ठ पुरुष है? तपस्वी है? ब्राह्मण है। इस प्रकार जो बड़ाई की जाती है उसका नाम सत्कार है। ( आते देखकर ) खड़े हो जाना तथा प्रणाम आदि करना -- ऐसे सम्मानका नाम मान है। पैर धोना? अर्चन करना? भोजन कराना इत्यादिका नाम पूजा है। इन सबके लिये जो तप किया जाता है और जो दम्भसे किया जाता है? वह तप यहाँ राजसी कहा गया है। तथा अनिश्चित फलवाला होनेसे नाशवान् और अनित्य भी कहा गया है।

English Translation By Swami Adidevananda

17.18 That austerity, pracitsed with ostentation for the sake of gaininng respect, praise and reverence, is here said to be Rajasa. It is unsteady and impermanent.

English Translation By Swami Sivananda

17.18 The austerity which is practised with the object of gaining good reception, honour and worship, and with hypocrisy, is here said to be Rajasic, unstable and transitory.

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

17.18 Yat, that; tapah, austerity; which is kriyate, undertaken; satkara-mana-pujartham, for earning a name, being honoured and worshipped-for earning a name, (i.e.) for being spoken of thus: 'This Brahmana, who is given to austerity, is pious'; for being honoured by (others') standing up respectfully, salutation, etc.; for being worshipped with washing of feet, adoration, feeding, etc.; for these-; ca eva, and also, (that) austerity which is performed dambhena, ostentatiously; tat, that; proktam, is spoken of; as rajasam, born of rajas; iha, belonging to this world; [i.e. yielding fruits only in this world.] calam, uncertain-its result being unpredictable; and adhruvam, transitory.

English Translation By Swami Gambirananda

17.18 That austerity which is undertaken for earning a name, being honoured and worshipped, and also ostentatiously,-that is spoken of as born of rajas, belonging to this world, uncertain and transitory.

English Translation By By Dr. S. Sankaranarayan

17.18. The austerity that is practised for gaining respect, honour and reverence and with sheer showing-that is called here [austerity] of the Rajas and it is unstable and impermanent.

English Translation by Shri Purohit Swami

17.18 Austerity coupled with hypocrisy or performed for the sake of self-glorification, popularity or vanity, comes from Passion, and its result is always doubtful and temporary.