श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

श्रद्धया परया तप्तं तपस्तत्ित्रविधं नरैः।

अफलाकाङ्क्षिभिर्युक्तैः सात्त्विकं परिचक्षते।।17.17।।

Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Shankaracharya

।।17.17।। --,श्रद्धया आस्तिक्यबुद्ध्या परया प्रकृष्टया तप्तम् अनुष्ठितं तपः तत् प्रकृतं त्रिविधं त्रिप्रकारं त्र्यधिष्ठानं नरैः अनुष्ठातृभिः अफलाकाङ्क्षिभिः फलाकाङ्क्षारहितैः युक्तैः समाहितैः यत् ईदृशं तपः? तत् सात्त्विकं सत्त्वनिर्वृत्तं परिचक्षते कथयन्ति शिष्टाः।।

Hindi Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Harikrishnadas Goenka

।।17.17।।उपर्युक्त कायिक? वाचिक और मानसिक तप मनुष्योंद्वारा किये जानेपर? सात्त्विक आदि भेदोंसे,तीन प्रकारके कैसे होते हैं सो बतलाते हैं --, जिसका प्रकरण चल रहा है वह? तीन प्रकारका कायिक? वाचिक और मानसिक तप? जो फलाकाङ्क्षारहित और समाहितचित्त पुरुषोंद्वारा उत्तम श्रद्धापूर्वक -- आस्तिकबुद्धिपूर्वक किया जाता है? ऐसे उस तपको श्रेष्ठ पुरुष सात्त्विक -- सत्त्वगुणजनित कहते हैं।

English Translation By Swami Adidevananda

17.17 The threefold austerity, practised with supreme faith by men who desire no fruit and are devoted - they call it austerity of Sattva.

English Translation By Swami Sivananda

17.17 This threefold austerity, practised by steadfast men, with the utmost faith, desiring no reward, they call Sattvic.

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

17.17 When tat, that; trividham, threefold-based on three factors; tapah, austerity, which is being discussed; is taptam, undertaken, practised; paraya, with supreme, with the highest; sraddhaya, faith, belief in God and the other world; naraih, by people, by its performers; aphala-akanksibhih, who do not hanker after results,who are devoid of desire for results; and yuktaih, who are self-controlled;-that austerity which is of this kind, the noble people paricaksate, speak of it; as sattvikam, born of sattva.

English Translation By Swami Gambirananda

17.17 When that threefold austerity is undertaken with supreme faith by people who do not hanker after results and are self-controlled, they speak of it as born of sattva.

English Translation By By Dr. S. Sankaranarayan

17.17. This three-fold austerity, undertaken (observed) with best faith, by men who are maters of Yoga and have no desire for its fruits-they call it to be of the Sattva.

English Translation by Shri Purohit Swami

17.17 These threefold austerities performed with faith, and without thought of reward, may truly be accounted Pure.