श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

सर्गाणामादिरन्तश्च मध्यं चैवाहमर्जुन।

अध्यात्मविद्या विद्यानां वादः प्रवदतामहम्।।10.32।।


Hindi Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Harikrishnadas Goenka

।।10.32।।हे अर्जुन सृष्टियोंका आदि? अन्त और मध्य अर्थात् उत्पत्ति? स्थिति और प्रलय मैं हूँ। आरम्भमें तो भगवान्ने अपनेको केवल चेतनाधिष्ठित प्राणियोंका ही आदि? मध्य और अन्त बतलाया है? परन्तु यहाँ समस्त जगत्मात्रका आदि? मध्य और अन्त बतलाते हैं? यह विशेषता है। समस्त विद्याओंमें जो कि मोक्ष देनेवाली होनेके कारण प्रधान है? वह अध्यात्मविद्या मैं हूँ। शंकासमाधान करनेके समय बोले जानेवाले वाक्योंमें जो अर्थनिर्णयका हेतु होनेसे प्रधान है वह वाद नामक वाक्य मैं हूँ। यहाँ प्रवदताम् इस पदसे वक्ताद्वारा बोले जानेवाले वाद? जल्प और वितण्डा -- इन तीन प्रकारके वचनभेदोंका ही ग्रहण है ( बोलनेवालोंका नहीं )।

English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Adidevananda

10.32 Those that undergo creation are 'creatures'. Their beginning is the cause. The meaning is that, of the creatures which are being created at all times, I am Myself the creator. Similarly, I am the end, namely the destroyer of everyone of those who are being destroyed at all times. Similarly I am the middle, namely, the sustentation. The meaning is, I am the sustainer of those who are being sustained at all times. Of those who indulge in Jalpa (argument) and Vitanda (perverse criticism) etc., I am the fair reasoning which determines the truth.

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

10.32 O Arjuna sarganam, of creations; I am the adih, beginning; ca, and ; he antah, end; ca eva, as also; the madhyam, middle-I am the origin, continuance and dissolution. At the commencement (verse 20) origin, end, etc. only of things possessed of souls were spoken of, but here the mention is of all creations in general. This is the difference. Vidyanam, among knowledges; I am the adhyatma-vidya, knowledge of the Self, it being the foremost because of its leading to liberation. Pravadatam, of those who date; aham, I; am vadah, Vada, which is preeminent since it is a means to determining true purport. Hence I am that . By the word pravadatam are here meant the different kinds of date held by dators, viz Vada, Jalpa, and Vitanda. [Vada: discussion with open-mindedness, with a veiw to determining true purport; jalpa: pointless date; Vitanda: wrangling discussion. [Jalpa is that mode of date by which both parties establish their own viewpoint through direct and indirect proofs, and refute the view of the opponent through circumvention (Chala) and false generalization (Jati) and by pointing out unfitness (of the opponent) tobe argued with (Nigraha-sthana). But where one party establishes his viewpoint, and the other refutes it through circumvention, false generalization and showing the unfitness of the opponent to be argued with, without establishing his own views, that is termed Vitanda. Jalpa and Vitanda result only in a trial of streangth between the opponents, who are both desirous of victory, But the result of Vada is the ascertainment of truth between the teacher and the disciple or between others, both unbiased.-Gloss of Sridhara Swami on this verse.]-Tr.]