श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

अक्षराणामकारोऽस्मि द्वन्द्वः सामासिकस्य च।

अहमेवाक्षयः कालो धाताऽहं विश्वतोमुखः।।10.33।।


Hindi Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Harikrishnadas Goenka

।।10.33।।अक्षरोंमें -- वर्णोंमें अकार -- अ वर्ण मैं हूँ। समास -- समूहमें द्वन्द्व नामक समास मैं हूँ तथा मैं ही अविनाशी काल -- जो क्षणघड़ी आदि नामोंसे प्रसिद्ध है वह समय? अथवा कालका भी काल परमेश्वर हूँ और मैं ही विधाता -- सब जगत्के कर्मफलका विधान करनेवाला तथा सब ओर मुखवाला परमात्मा हूँ।

English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Adidevananda

10.33 Of letters I am the alphabet 'a', which is the base of all letters as established in the Sruti: 'The letter 'a' itself is all speech' (Ai. Ai., 3.2.3). Samasika means collection of compound words. In it, I am the Dvandva compound; it is eminent because the meanings of both constituent terms are important. I am Myself imperishable Time composed of (divisions like) Kala, Muhurta etc. I am the four-faced Hiranyagarbha who is the creator of all.

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

10.33 Aksaranam, of the letters; I am the akarah, letter a. Samasikasya, of the group of compound words, I am the compund (called) Dvandva. Besieds, aham eva, I Myself; am the aksayah, infinite, endless; kalah, time, well known as 'moment' etc.; or, I am the supreme God who is Kala (Time, the measurer) even of time. I am the dhata, Dispenser, the dispenser of the fruits of actions of the whole world; visvatomukhah, with faces everwhere.