श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

मनःप्रसादः सौम्यत्वं मौनमात्मविनिग्रहः।

भावसंशुद्धिरित्येतत्तपो मानसमुच्यते।।17.16।।

Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Shankaracharya

।।17.16।। --,मनःप्रसादः मनसः प्रशान्तिः? स्वच्छतापादनं मनसः प्रसादः? सौम्यत्वं यत् सौमनस्यम् आहुः -- मुखादिप्रसादादिकार्योन्नेया अन्तःकरणस्य वृत्तिः। मौनं वाङ्नियमोऽपि मनःसंयमपूर्वको भवति इति कार्येण कारणम् उच्यते मनःसंयमो मौनमिति। आत्मविनिग्रहः मनोनिरोधः सर्वतः सामान्यरूपः आत्मविनिग्रहः? वाग्विषयस्यैव मनसः संयमः मौनम् इति विशेषः। भावसंशुद्धिः परैः व्यवहारकाले अमायावित्वं भावसंशुद्धिः। इत्येतत् तपः मानसम् उच्यते।।यथोक्तं कायिकं वाचिकं मानसं च तपः तप्तं नरैः सत्त्वादिगुणभेदेन कथं त्रिविधं भवतीति? उच्यते --,

Hindi Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Harikrishnadas Goenka

।।17.16।।मनका प्रसाद अर्थात् मनकी परम शान्ति -- स्वच्छता सम्पादन कर लेना? सौम्यता -- जिसको सुमनसता कहते हैं वह मुखादिको प्रसन्न करनेवाली अन्तःकरणकी शुद्धवृत्ति? मौन -- अन्तःकरणका संयम? क्योंकि वाणीका संयम भी मनःसंयमपूर्वक ही होता है? अतः कार्यसे कारण कहा जाता है? मनका निरोध अर्थात् सब ओरसे साधारणभावसे मनका निग्रह और भली प्रकार भावकी शुद्धि अर्थात् दूसरोंके साथ व्यवहार करनेमें छलकपटसे रहित होना? यह मानसिक तप कहलाता है। केवल वाणीविषयक मनके संयमका नाम मौन है और सामान्यभावसे संयम करनेका नाम आत्मनिग्रह है -- यह भेद है।

English Translation By Swami Adidevananda

17.16 Serenity of mind, benevolence, silence, self-control, purity of mind - these are called austerity of the mind.

English Translation By Swami Sivananda

17.16 Serenity of mind, good-heartedness, self-control, purity of nature this is called mental austerity.

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

17.16 Manah-prasadah, tranillity of mind, making the mind free from anxiety; saumyatvam, gentleness-that which is called kindliness of spirit, [Kindliness towards all, and also not entertaining any evil thought towards anybody.] a certain condition of the mind resulting in calmness of the face, etc.; maunam, reticence-since even the control of speech follows from the control of mind, therefore the cause is implied by the effect; so maunam means control of the mind; [Or, maunam may mean thinking of the Self, the attitude of a meditator. The context being of 'mental austerity', reticence is explained as control of the mind with regard to speech.] atma-vinigrahah, withdrawal of the mind-withdrawal of the mind in a general way, from everything; maunam (control of the mind) is the mind's withdrawal with regard to speech alone; this is the distinction-; bhava-samsuddhih, purity of heart, absence of trickery while dealing with others; iti etat, these are; what is ucyate, called; manasam, mental; tapah, austerity. How the above-described bodily, verbal and mental austerities undertaken by poeple are divided into three classes-of sattva etc.-is being stated:

English Translation By Swami Gambirananda

17.16 Tranillity of mind, gentleness, reticence, withdrawal of the mind, purity of heart,-these are what is called mental austerity.

English Translation By By Dr. S. Sankaranarayan

17.16. The serenity of mind, the ietness, the taciturnity, the self-control, the purity of thought-all this is called mental austerity.

English Translation by Shri Purohit Swami

17.16 Serenity, kindness, silence, self-control and purity - this is austerity of mind.