श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता

मूल श्लोकः

ahiṅsā satyamakrōdhastyāgaḥ śāntirapaiśunam.

dayā bhūtēṣvalōluptvaṅ mārdavaṅ hrīracāpalam৷৷16.2৷৷

Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Shankaracharya

৷৷16.2৷৷ --,ahiṅsā ahiṅsanaṅ prāṇināṅ pīḍāvarjanam. satyam apriyānṛtavarjitaṅ yathābhūtārthavacanam. akrōdhaḥ paraiḥ ākruṣṭasya abhihatasya vā prāptasya krōdhasya upaśamanam.  yāgaḥ saṅnyāsaḥ? pūrvaṅ dānasya uktatvāt. śāntiḥ antaḥkaraṇasya upaśamaḥ. apaiśunaṅ apiśunatā; parasmai pararandhraprakaṭīkaraṇaṅ paiśunam? tadabhāvaḥ apaiśunam. dayā kṛpā bhūtēṣu duḥkhitēṣu. alōluptvam indriyāṇāṅ viṣayasaṅnidhau avikriyā. mārdavaṅ mṛdutā akrauryam. hrīḥ lajjā. acāpalam asati prayōjanē vākpāṇipādādīnām avyāpārayitṛtvam৷৷kiṅ ca --,

Sanskrit Commentary By Sri Ramanuja

৷৷16.2৷৷ahiṅsā parapīḍāvarjanam.

satyaṅ yathādṛṣṭārthagōcarabhūtahitavākyam.

akrōdhaḥ parapīḍāphalacittavikārarahitatvam.

 yāgaḥ ātmahitapratyanīkaparigrahavimōcanam.

śāntiḥ indriyāṇāṅ viṣayaprāvaṇyanirōdhasaṅśīlanam.

apaiśunaṅ parānarthakavākyanivēdanākaraṇam.

dayā bhūtēṣu sarvēṣu duḥkhāsahiṣṇutvam.

alōluptvam? alōlupatvam? alōlutvam iti vā pāṭhaḥ. viṣayēṣu niḥspṛhatvam ityarthaḥ.

mārdavam akāṭhinyam; sādhujanasaṅślēṣārhatā ityarthaḥ.

hrīḥ akāryakaraṇē vrīḍā.

acāpalaṅ spṛhaṇīyaviṣayasannidhau acapalatvam.

English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Adidevananda

16.2 'Non-injury' is abstaining from injury to others. 'Truth' is communication by words of what one knows for certain and what is conducive to the good of others. 'Freedom from anger' is the absence in oneself of the mental state, which, if permitted, leads to injury to others. 'Renunciation' is the abandonment of everything that is contrary to the good of the self. 'Tranillity' is practice of controlling the senses from their propensity towards sense-objects. 'Not-slandering others' means refraining oneself from speech that may cause evil to others. 'Compassion to all beings' means one's incapacity to stand the suffering of others. 'Aloluptvam' means freedom from desire for sense-objects. 'Gentleness' means absence of harshness, and being worthy of associating with the good. 'Sense of shame' is shrinking from doing what should not be done. 'Acapalam' means being unattracted by objects enjoyable by the senses even when they are at hand.

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

16.2 Ahimsa, non-injury, abstaining from giving pain to creatures; satyam, truthfulness, speaking of things as they are, without unpleasantness and prevarication; akrodhah, absence of anger, control of anger that might result when offened or assulatd by others; tyagah, renunciation, monasticism-for, charity has been mentioned earlier; santih, control of the internal organ; apaisunam, absence of vilification-paisunam means backbiting; its absence is apaisunam; daya, kindness; bhutesu, to creatures in distress; aloluptvam, non-conveteousness, absence of excitement of the organs in the presence of objects; mardavam, gentleness, absence of hard-heartedness; hrih, modesty;; acapalam, freedom from restlessness, absence of unnecessary use of organs such as speech, hands and feet-. Besides,